Swimming - Swim Style, History, and Others
Swimming is a sport athletes to race speed in a swimming pool. Contest style pool is freestyle, butterfly, backstroke, and breaststroke. Swimmers who won the competition pool is a swimmer who completed the distance of the track the fastest. Preliminary round winners advance to the semifinals, and the semifinal winners advance to the finals.
Together with diving, beautiful pool, open water swimming and water polo, swimming races regulations set by the world body called the International Swimming Federation (FINA). Unity Center of Indonesia (PRSI) is the parent organization of sports pool in Indonesia.
The race started swimming in Europe around the year 1800. Most of the swimmers swim using breaststroke. In 1873, John Arthur Trudgen introduced the style in the race trudgen swimming freestyle after imitating the Indian tribes. As a result of the British dislike of swimming movement that splashed water all over the place, Trudgen replace freestyle leg movements are whipped up and down the leg movements such as the scissor-style pool side.
Swimming was one of the sports that are contested since the Olympic Games Athens 1896. Number pool princess contested since 1912 Stockholm Olympics. In 1902, Richard Cavill introduced the front crawl swimming. The International Swimming Federation was formed in 1908. Butterfly style first developed in the 1930s. At first, butterfly style is a variation of the breaststroke before considered as a style of its own pool in 1952.
In the Netherlands Indies, United Swimming Bandung (Bandungse Zwembond) was founded in 1917. In the following year founded the United Swim West Java (West Java Zwembond), United Swimming and East Java (Java Zwembond Oost) was founded in 1927. Since then the race began swimming across regions are often held. Record in the championships are also listed as a record in the Netherlands.
In 1936, the Dutch East Indies swimmer named Pet Stam record of 59.9 seconds for the 100m freestyle in the pool Cihampelas Bandung. Pet Stam sent as a representative of the Netherlands at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Unity Swim All Indonesia was established March 21, 1951, and as a member of the International Swimming Federation since the following year. Indonesia swimmers participating in a race in the 1952 Helsinki Olympics.

The length of the pool is 50 m path length while short-track is 25 m. In the specification of the International Swimming Federation to set an Olympic-sized swimming pool 50 m long and 25 m. wide pool The minimum pool depth of 1.35 meters, 1.0 m starting from the first track to at least 6.0 m is calculated from the walls of the pool which is equipped beams start. Minimum depth in the other part is 1.0 m.
The track width of at least 2.5 m with a distance of at least 0.2 m beyond the first track and last track. Each track is separated by a long rope the same path with the path lengths.
Rope trajectory consists of a series of small buoys on a rope whose length is equal to the length of the track. Buoys on the rope circling trajectory can be when exposed to water waves. Rope trajectories distinguished by color: green for trajectories 1 and 8, blue for trajectory 2, 3, 6, and 7, and yellow for the trajectories 4 and 5.
Swimmers are placed on the track based on time records in the preliminary round (heat). In the pool berlintasan odd, the fastest swimmers seeded in the trajectory at the center. In pool 8 track, the fastest swimmers are placed on the track 4 (on the track 3 for swimming trajectory 6). swimmer-swimmer with a time in a row underneath the track occupies 5, 3, 6, 2, 7, 1, and 8 .
In the international race or the race that matters, the board touch automatic timers installed on both sides of the pool wall. Thick board is only 1 cm touch.
Swimmers listed on the board touch any time reversal and finish. Touch pad timer Omega production started to be used in the Pan-American Games 1967 in Winnipeg, Canada.
At the start of each block contained a loudspeaker to voice shot gun start and the start timer sensor records the time when swimmers jump from a block start.
High beams start from 0.5 m to 0.75 from the surface of the water. Beam size is 0.5 x 0.5 start m, and above it antilicin coated materials. The slope of the beam start does not exceed 10 °.
Regulation of the race within pool
On the number style swimming butterfly, breaststroke, and freestyle, swimmers perform starting position on the starting blocks. Body bent toward the water with your knees slightly bent.
In the backstroke number, starting position in the water carried by the body facing the pool wall. Both hand held an iron grip on the starting blocks, while the foot rests on the wall of the pool, and both knees bent between the two arms. Backstroke starting position is also used by the first swimmer in the medley relay.
The referee calling the start of the swimmers with a long whistle blast to climb onto the block start (getting in the water for backstroke and medley relay). Swimmers are in a starting position after the cue Ready ((Take your marks in English) shouted by referee starts. Start declared invalid if the swimmers jump from the beam before the start cue. To the shot gun start started, the swimmer's body must be in a state of silence.
Race number
Swimming races consist of numbers according to the mileage race, sex, and four styles of swimming (freestyle, butterfly, backstroke, and breaststroke). Numbers of sons and daughters who swim in the Olympics diperlombakan:
* Freestyle: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m (daughter), 1500 m (boys)
* Style butterfly: 100 m, 200 m
* Style backs: 100 m, 200 m
* Style Chest: 100 m, 200 m.
* Style change individuals: 200 m and 400 m
* Style replace relay: 4 x 100 m
* Freestyle relay: 4 x 100 m, 4 x 200 m
* Marathon 10 km.
The International Swimming Federation recognizes the world record son / daughter to swim numbers:
* Freestyle: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m, 1500 m
* Style back: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m
* Style Chest: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m
* Style butterfly: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m
* Style change individuals: 100 m (short-track only), 200 m, 400 m
* Freestyle relay: 4 × 100 m, 4 × 200 m
* Style replace relay: 4 × 100 m
In the individual medley number, a swimmer wearing four forces alternately for one round, the following order: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. On the number pool 100 m individual medley, a race held in short-track pool 25 m.
In the 4 x 100 m medley relay, a team of four individuals represented each swimmer to swim 100 m. The first swimmer to swim the backstroke start, swimmers continued breaststroke, butterfly swimmer, and terminated by a freestyle swimmer.
The International Swimming Federation has a list of brands and types of approved swimsuits in swimming races. allowed Swimmers wearing bathing cap and swimming goggles. Swimmers can choose to wear glasses, goggles minus, or wearing contact lenses with normal goggles.
Swimmers are not allowed to wear a bathing suit or a tool that can affect the speed, buoyancy or endurance during a race, such as webbed gloves, frog legs, fins, and so on.
Swim style
Swimming is the movement when moving on the water. Swimming is usually done without artificial supplies. This activity can be utilized for recreation and sport. Swim used when moving from one place to another in the water, fishing, bathing, or doing water sports.
Swim for the purposes of recreation and competition conducted in a swimming pool. Humans are also swimming in rivers, lakes, and seas as a form of recreation. Sports pool keeps the body healthy because almost all the body muscles are used during swimming.
History 2
Humans have been able to swim since prehistoric times, swimming is the oldest evidence of the paintings of swimmers from the Stone Age have been found in the "cave swimmer" which is adjacent to Wadi Sora in the Gilf Kebir, southwest Egypt. Note on the swimming comes from the oldest 2000 BC. Some of the oldest documents that mention swimming is the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Iliad, Odyssey, and the Bible (Ezekiel 47:5, Acts 27:42, Isaiah 25:11), and Beowulf-saga and other sagas. In 1538, Nikolaus Wynmann a professor of German language to write a book about the first pool, swimmer or a Dialogue concerning Art Swim (Der Schwimmer Zwiegespräch ein oder über die Schwimmkunst).
Swimming races in Europe started around 1800 after the construction of a swimming-pool. At that time, most participants swim breaststroke. In 1873, John Arthur Trudgen introduced the front crawl style or a style called trudgen in swimming races in the Western world. Trudgen copy of freestyle swimming technique Indian tribe in South America. Swimming is one sport in the Olympic Games Athens 1896. In 1900 backstroke was included as a new number the Olympic pool. Unity swimming world, the Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA) was formed in 1908. The style of butterfly which at first is one variation of the breaststroke accepted as a own style in 1952.
In the pools for recreation, people swim in breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle and butterfly. Style swimming pool that competed in the race are the butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. In a number of freestyle swim, swimmers may use different styles of pool, except the breaststroke, backstroke, and style the butterfly. Unlike breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly, the International Swimming Federation does not regulate the number of techniques used in freestyle swimming. However, almost all swimmers swim with style Krol, so that the force Krol (front crawl) is used almost universally by the swimmer in freestyle number.
Freestyle is a swim with your chest facing the surface of the water. Both hands are alternately driven far into the future with the pedaling motion, while both feet alternately dicambukkan fluctuates up and down. When swimming freestyle , the position of her face to the surface of the water. Respiratory performed when the arm is moved out of the water, when the body becomes tilted and the head turned to one side. When taking a breath, swimmers can choose to turn to the left or right. Compared to other swimming styles, swimming free style is the style that can make the body go faster in the water.
Freestyle is a style that is not tied to certain basic techniques. Freestyle performed with a wide range of swimming movement that can make swimmers can go in the water. Thus, in free-style movement could be in use by several people , either already trained or novices.
Breast style
Breaststroke swimming style is most popular for recreational swimming. The position of the body can be stabilized and head out of water for a long time. Style breaststroke or frog is swimming with chest position overlooking the water surface, but different from freestyle, torso remains always in a state. Both legs kick outward while straightening both arms in front. Both sides opened hand to the side like the movement of water that divides the body to move faster in the future. The movement mimics the body's movements so-called frog swimming frog style. Breath performed when the mouth is on the surface of water, after a one-time movement of the hand-foot or two hand-foot movements.
In swimming lessons, beginners learn breaststroke swimmer or freestyle. Among the three numbers that set the official pool the International Swimming Federation, swimmers breaststroke is the slowest swimmer.
When swimming backstroke, swim with the spine facing the water surface. The position of the face is above the water so people are easy to take a breath. However, swimmers can just look up and can not look ahead. During a race, swimmers estimate wall of the pool by calculating the amount of movement.
In the backstroke, arm and leg movement is similar to freestyle, but with the supine body position on the water surface. Both hands alternately moved toward the waist like a pedaling motion. Mouth and nose out of water so it is easy to take or dispose of breath with your mouth or nose.
During a race, distinct from the attitude of swimmers start freestyle, breaststroke, and butterfly are all conducted on the beam start, start doing the backstroke swimmer from the pool . Swimmers pool facing the wall with both hands holding an iron grip. Both knees bent in between the two arms, while both feet resting on the wall of the pool.
Backstroke swimming styles which are already known since ancient times. First time diperlombakan in 1900 Paris Olympics, swimming the backstroke is the oldest style diperlombakan after the freestyle.
Butterfly or dolphin style is one of style swim with chest position overlooking the water surface. Both arms simultaneously pressed down and moved to the outside before it swung into the future. While both legs simultaneously kicked downward and upward movement of the tail fin like a fish or dolphin. The air exhaled forcefully from the mouth and nose before the head emerges from the water, and air is inhaled through the mouth when the head is outside the water.
Butterfly style was created in 1933, and is the most recent swim style. Unlike other styles of swimming, beginner swimmer who learned the style of butterfly need more time to study the coordination of movement of the hands and feet.
Swim butterfly style are also demanding greater power than swimmers. The speed swimming butterfly style derived from swing both hands simultaneously. The fastest swimmer butterfly can swim faster than freestyle swimmer. Compared to the other swimming style, butterfly style swimmers can not cover up a bad movement techniques with greater exertion.
There are many risks when humans are on the water, either intentionally or unintentionally. Accidents in the water can cause injury and death due to drowning. Therefore, before entering the water, swimmers should find out the depth of the pool, river, or marine who wants to swim.
Swim in the river or at sea can be very dangerous if there is strong current or big waves suddenly. People who are under the influence of alcohol and drugs banned for swimming.
Swimming goggles to prevent eye irritation from people who wear them. Swimming in dirty water will cause skin diseases and eye irritation. In the pool, the bacteria causing the disease is controlled with the provision of chlorine. that regular water changes will improve the quality of a healthy pond water.
Swimming in nature does not require special equipment or clothing. Humans can swim without any equipment in any condition. Swim devoted to recreation and sports clothing and sometimes requires special equipment to help facilitate the move in the water.
Clothing used for swimming are designed to enable people to move in the water. Swimsuits are usually made of rubber material that follows the shape of the body to avoid entry of air into the clothes. Swimsuits are also designed to accelerate the movement of people in the water, the design is intended for activities such as swimming to competition.
In addition to specially designed clothing, swim sometimes in need of special equipment such as swimming goggles, swimming tire, cover the ears and nose, covering his head. In general, pool equipment is intended to facilitate swimming and avoid the risks arising due to swimming.
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